Let me start this off correctly. While I am a Madame supreme of marketing and
a curator conscious clickbait in my profession, my ultimate goal is not to mislead you.
I am not (physically) pregnant.
Never have been.
And that's that on that.
Let's proceedš.
I feel like Rih Rih, but in reverse.
Everybody was waiting around for an album from Rihanna (who's legal name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty). This woman was giving us project after project that far transcended her music in include: Fenty Beauty, Savage x Fenty lingerie, etc...and our culture was STILL asking her about an ALBUM. So there are more than A FEW things we two Robin's/Robyn's have in common.

Many members of my extended family and several folx in my social circle have been waiting with bated breath to hear the news that I'm pregnant....with a child. The truth is I've had multiple pregnancies, but not in the way they expected.

River Delta Alchemy is what I'm birthing (as of late).
This new venture is a love letter to me, hailing from the Mississippi Delta and honoring the River Delta region along the Nile.
I started this project as an embodiment of self-actualization.
The past several years, I've learned to adorn myself with quality materials that reflect the state of my inner being (and not just superficial fast fashion digs). I wanted quality jewelry and body care to match my daily intentions as I journey through life and last throughout time.
We'll get back to that.
The subject even has its own theme space on my blog, but for now, I want to address the trigger filled title here, "unexpected pregnancy."
I am interested in and have a calling to motherhood, but it has manifested differently in this season. It is worth noting that no one in the cohort of humans curious enough to ask about plans for my uterus has asked about my intentions surrounding motherhood, or birth.
These same few, while well-intentioned, have taken little interest in ME as a comprehensive being.
Thus, there's no way they could have known I've been giving birth year after year to new career passions. Let alone the more profound lessons about how I move and who I am:
My comprehensive spiritual being and journey take precedence over any and all other efforts of my life.
To be #continuedelsewhere...