This post offers insight for those whose selected stones speak to and assist with the development of the Heart Chakra. Don't worry, you don't have to "believe in" or know anything about chakras to understand this 1-minute read. This description will support you in understanding the crystalline energy behind your bracelets.
4th Chakra
Love, Forgiveness, Joy, Hope
Location: Center of the chest over the heart
Color Associations: Pink and Green
Aspects of the Heart Chakra include
Grief and anger; resentment
Emotional security
These are all supportive stones for the Heart Chakra (your bracelet's image will be beneath your stone's description).
Rhodonite: a stone of love, encourages patience with others; calming and great for friendship, helps to ground love so as you're pouring into yourself as well as others.

Rose Quartz: opens one to accept love and brings balance to the Heart Chakra.

Moss Agate: nurtures and fosters growth; good for new beginnings and healing in nature.

These stones all encourage fidelity*; energize the heart; bring love energy into the physical body, and help ease overwhelm. The primary area of support here is the concept of unconditional love (not only romantic love, but the development of friendships, partnerships, work relationships, and of course, the relationship with Self).
*= In this sense, fidelity is adherence to fact or detail, accuracy, and exactness. Think of your daily workload and required attention to detail, "putting your heart into what you do".
With love,
Amaka Robinique LaStarra