I'm starting a new series to allow our worlds to collide outside of the blog world.
I don't "do" social media the way others typically do and that has been a barrier to connection. That's annoying ans simply not acceptable, so I'm committed to finding other ways to share my world. This series will be one of the many ways I'm taking action to open up in and engage in new way that allows you to get to know me through other avenues of approach.
Enter the
Putting' you on
series where I shares a thing I like that you would otherwise never know if we didn't head out for lunch
This series will be another for connection outside of the vacuum of social media where we can mutually explore other portals of intersections between our worlds.
I know my type of people and we can't be summarized by just one facet of our personality (writing a blog) or one single interest.
So here's what I've been listening to:
This episode a perfect place to start listening as it is an series of "best of clips" from the past season as the show enters a hiatus. This way you can peek in to see if this one is for you.
A Married Woman (with ten years of matrimony under my belt)
An Elder Millennial
And an Overall Worldly Bitch (this just mean I've been around the block a time or two)
I like Shan's approach to:
comprehensive wellness.
I hope you take away some gems around relationships in general and formulate your own agreements In a way that honors how and who you love.