Yup we're going to church with this one...
I've got so much to write*
to share
to reveal
I want Spirit to guide how I do this,
for both you and me.

I'm a Mississippi mystic, a theologian, a Spirit Medium, and an everyday girl.
I talk to the cosmos for the purpose of divine connection.
Not only for myself
but for the collective.
I desire for us all to transcend the bounds that confine and restrict our expansive nature.
I desire for us all to become self-actualized so that we can assist one another and the entire human race in optimization.
Simply put,
I'm tryna get us free.
All of us*
Especially women...Emphasis on women of color. Quadruple Emphasis on Black Women.
We've been taught to abandon, discredit, marginalize, and distort our own power
so others can be more comfortable with their own insecurity and limitation.
No thanks.
I've got a message; it's one about self liberation and the journey toward true freedom, but it this message is not free. This is a pay to play situation. The payment required is simply your greatest resource.; which is not your money, it is your time and attention.
All my posts are interactive because I don't do this for (only) myself; I write to share with you. It will be written (believe me when I say it's getting written anyway, because I cannot keep it in).
So, if a conversation/guidance around :
how to own your journey
become self actualized
and take back your agency
is the type of vibe that you're into, all we need to proceed is the following.
Participate in the poll below deciding how you'd prefer to hear it ( i.e. "who" you'd rather hear the message from). I'm communicating it, but I am only a vessel, a channel, the medium through which it flows.
An advantage of being an aware medium is that (more often than not) I get to decide how it is presented.
What vibe are we on?
Good God Sis' with Sass
Ancient Auntie
Takin' it low and slow
Tuned Out
As the recipient of the message you get to decide:
if you want to hear it
and in this case how you (most frequently) prefer to hear it.
If/when we chose not to participate in a thing, we don't get to complain about how or if it gets presented.
I don't
I won't waste space, energy, or time pouring the best of my self in spaces where I am not welcomed, nourished, or refreshed.
this is why I started this blog, a space to finish what I start in the sight of he people who see me and support my progression.
Now that we know that ,
f you see me start to unfold something close to my heart and I don't close it out
Reach out.
Let's explore or simply rest in the fact that it'll be #continuedelsewhere