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#ContinuedElsewhere: Reasons not to get a Reading

Writer: LaStarra: The 5ireStarterLaStarra: The 5ireStarter

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

I did not want to write this one
but I knew I had to

The discussion of Spiritual readings stirs great curiosity amongst those new to ecpanded concepts of mysticism. There is no topic within the realm of my that people are more curious about.

Let's start with the bottom line up front:

#1 You don't NEED a reading

We all have

everything we need 0

within us


No one should be more attuned to or aware of your spiritual needs than you. It's called a "reading" because YOU are the book!

Knowing this information going in will empower you and deter you from becoming dependent on spiritual readings.

#2 Casting the blam to your religion as an excuse

If you are waiting weeks for an appointment with your priest, pastor, or first lady, then YOU, my friend, ARE SCHEDULING A SPIRITUAL READING.

I honor and respect everyone's personal religious agreements. I spent my own time studying religious depth and even spent time in seminary, and m a multi-faith practitioner.

Religion has great value, and it is essential to remember that the creator loves us all without partiality. We (humankind) made religion as a way to rationalize the vastness that is the Divine. Some groups frown upon any divination they do not control, i.e., science, medicine, astrology, human rights...need I continue?

I say this in the spirit of love and have a deep personal connection to The Divine Creator. I was raised with the magic & mystery of the Divine as my guide, and that connection is literally how I do what I do!

Know this: There is no power, but God's power

...and that's that on that.

#3 Let's talk dollars and sense.

Listen: It costs money for my time.

Readers require money (in exchange for our skills and time), but we don't want your money that bad.

Listen, readers do not want to stay in your energy all day...

That's not my job.

That's your job.

It's clear to me that people do not understand the toll it takes to properly access the energy of another. If the former is true, there is no way those same individuals know the challenge of getting that energy "off "after a session is done.

#4 Go with your gut

When we require assistance, we should confer with trustworthy folx. While I would be honored to be selected as your reader/diviner, go with the party you feel most comfortable with. Trust your inner guide. Every living being has access to the internal guidance they need; this includes selecting the person to assist us by tapping into other realms for answers.

#5 Brat-like Behavior

One of my great teachers has a phrase that I love "I'm not gon' fight you for your freedom," and I felt that in my soul.

Occasionally, someone approaches me (this is key to remember) and wants me to convince them that they need a reading. .

Consent is huge in my spiritual work. I understand the intensity and seriousness of what I do. I do not take it lightly. It's one thing for me to offer a service as a solution to an expressed need. It's a whole other thing if you want me to drill down on you until you give in: Again, no thanks.

A proper spiritual guide will never put pressure on you because we know this:

The work is yours to do.

The type of people who need to be convinced are still in the space where they are COMFORTABLE and CONCENTUALLY prepared for spiritual guidance or support. Spiritual consultations are for your liberation. You must be willing to enter this type of consultation because when you leave the session, you return to the world on your own (just like before).


If any of that is convicted you, know I still support you on your journey. With that said, you are clear that you don't necessarily need a reading,

but you really want one.

How do I know?

You're here listening, looking, and leaning in.

You made it to the end of this post without allowing your ego to highjack your mind, will, and emotions. I guarantee you someone else stopped mid-way through and what they needed was only a little deeper in this post.

That's alright;

I trust that all things come to us in divine timing.

If you've decided it is time to explore the inner depth of spiritual insight with me, you may do so here.

If you have chosen not to do so, I commend you for also making that decision. In the good book, it states Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.' any other wishy-washy agreements are only self-deception and will keep you in cycles of confusion...and that's on Matthew 5:37.

As with all things,

Pray on it.

Then meditate on the guidance you receive.

With love,

Amaka Robinique LaStarra

Founder & Chief Steward

River Delta Alchemy


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