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Barefoot, Braless, Pulling Mango fibers...

Writer: LaStarra: The 5ireStarterLaStarra: The 5ireStarter

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

The core practices of my day are expressed in the core components of my business,

River Delta Alchemy.

Before I dive in, I've gotta acknowledge that my tone has changed*.

I don't post here often; when I do, it's seldom about my professional endeavors**.

But that's what we on today…

Launching my latest professional venture

brought up all the capitalist trauma I experienced while:

  • building my first company

  • growing up poor (& cluelessly unaware of it) in the #MississippiDelta

  • constantly marketing, branding, packaging MYSELF, proving my worth as a "Good Christian girl," i.e., model student, pageant queen, literal child soldier…I digress.

So here I am to face it.

I'm building the entity that allows and requires work days where barefoot, braless, pulling mango fibers away from the seed with my teeth. #IYKYK That only happens if I get the word out, so let's get to it.

I want to express how this business connects to my purpose and calling. There is a delicate balance between fading into the background and completely erasing myself from the narrative. I'm bringing my whole identity back into the forefront of the vision. I'm sharing my "why" behind each venture under the River Delta umbrella.

Each brand offers solutions to my individual needs, yet I've always known this work is not only about me. This business was one Born of Necessity. Here is why I do this.


River Delta Adornment products are one way I wear my intention on the outside daily. My jewelry serves as a physical reminder of my intended internal state. Each piece reflects who I am and want to be for the day.

River Delta Aura is how I care for my physical body. Our products are created with ingredients that matter and are selected with intentionality. From essential oil blends to spiritual baths and whipped hair butters, I use these products to envelop my physical essence from head to toe with a specified purpose.

River Delta Apothecary was created to collect the specially curated spiritual tools I use to keep my energy clear. The products we carry (including my own handmade product lines) are from creators who keep THE creator in mind.

River Delta Alchemy is the ministry and the fulfillment of all the aforementioned (product lines were never my primary goal). Alchemy is the life work that embodies how I walk out my daily spiritual processes: mind, body, and soul.

We are building personal development and mentoring programs toward self-actualization and spiritual expansion. We collaborate with spiritualists and mental health professionals who incorporate Divine alignment in their practices.

In addition to this primary effort, an additional faction supports our broader vision: River Delta Collective.

Our physical body is our true home.
Our home holds our energy and intentions.
Our Spirit is the energy that carries our intentions into every environment.

As I journey through unfolding each branch and callings, I trust the Divine Guidance of the Universal Creator-God, to direct my path on:

Which step to take next

  • Which project to release next

  • Which service to offer next

This is my primary guide: to hear and be one with Divine mind and align with Divine timing.

Not what's on trend, not what others think I best for me. I know why I'm here, and I'm confident in the guidance I receive.

And so it is.

Amaka Robinique LaStarra

Founder & Chief Steward

River Delta Alchemy

*=Repeats the disclaimer that I don't HAVE a personal page.
**Correction: my "money-making" endeavors (because everything I do tends to merge with my professional world. Thanks, #PiscesMidheaven )


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