🌞 my posts are interactive because i don't do this for (only) myself. I write to share with you.
When I'm presenting DISCERNMENT IS KEY
The bible says not to cast your pearls before swine. The bible says do not give what is holy to the dogs.
This brings to question:
Is this rigid viewpoint hindering my message?
Not quite.
I'm a comprehensive bibliomancer.
Discernment is key
That same story about giving good to the dogs wraps up w/ Jesus conceding when good sis highlights that even the dogs get the scraps that fall from the table.
. . . .
Pork is my favorite meat.
For many that is taboo...
I'm called to those who are rejected elsewhere.
But I only speak before those who will sit with me. Will you?
Part 2 . . .
Giving yourself grace.
We freeze when we feel we don't know what to do...but that's not really true.
We know we need to move
Part 3 . . . . .
If you are truly too afraid to move. You need to rest so like the greats say
"All the scared mofo's go to church"